“An invitation to dive into your divine essence, is not a thing of time, but timeless state of being that is always available to you” - Eckhart Tolle

Kathia’s Story

Awakening happened to me and for me when my reality as I knew it was shattered. This disruption to my life guided me to start searching within. This led me to a deeper search for answers, studying different modalities of Energy work, Meditation and Sound Alchemy. I traveled the world learning and experimenting with healing methods, physical, mental, and spiritual practices. I studied Spiritual Psychology and developed my energy work at IDES Energy school and at the Mind Masters School under its creator and founder, Ivan Rohe.

Embracing these practices shifted me into balance, peace and coherence in my life, allowing me to live more consciously and present. It inspired me to write my book called “Wholehearted” a poetry book about my struggles, awakening and how I found my way back to myself.

My life is aligned to my soul’s purpose and now I share this with others and help guide them home.
