The energy journey is an intuitive organic state of expanded consciousness; a gateway to transformation in the physical body, etheric body and energetic body. For our healing to happen, we need an open heart. Invite all emotions in, let go of the mind and fear: express, accept and transform them with love.

It is only from that space that change can happen. We hold the key to our existence, the answers to all our questions. It is when we go back to our hearts that the Soul awakens.

This practice will give you deep healing but must importantly a deep connection to yourself. It will clear the lens of perception, as well connect you with your heart, guiding you to make external shifts in your everyday life.

Session Types

Both group & individual sessions are offered in-person and online. For some people is easier to relax if they are at the comfort of their own home or with an intimate group of friends. Group sessions have the capacity to activate frequencies within the collective that can profoundly shift reality and consciousness, however each session is an individual journey experience whether in a group or individual setting. If at home, you will need: a space to lay down on a mat, wifi connection, & speaker or headphones. I advise not to eat 3 hrs before all sessions.

Through the silence, we find an entry point that the body has forgotten. Entering the Field of Consciousness during an Impersonal Dimension session will take you out of linear time, opening The Field for our body to heal by itself - recalibrating biologically and harmoniously.

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Impersonal Dimension

Life Force Activation

Also known as Inner Dance, activating this Divine Energy allows a channel of light to travel within the physical body, clearing the mind and reconnecting you to your soul purpose. We open the door to Universal Consciousness, a connection to Higher Self.

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“Only by entering in the memory of time is it possible to be unlimited.” - Ivan Rohe, Creator of the Mind Masters School