Impersonal Dimension

Impersonal Dimension invites you into a profound realm beyond the constraints of everyday perception by entering the Field where all consciousness is.Through embracing silence and tapping into trust and calmness in the vastness of the void, you rediscover an entry point that your body may have long forgotten. By immersing yourself in the Field of Consciousness, you transcend linear time, allowing your body to undergo a process of self-healing and recalibration on all biological, energetic, and spiritual levels. The Field is where we have a natural ability to rebuild. Being in this state allows us to rejuvenate and realign in harmony.

Letting go of the linear mind that needs to know how and release control, the Field and your body leads you to a stable pulse where your body will find balance by itself.

What is Impersonal Dimension?

During an Impersonal Dimension session, we start standing up looking into each others eyes. I then will ask you to close your eyes as I find the entry point for you to connect to the Field. I will guide you to reconnect with your true essence, facilitating a transformation that will extend into your daily life. There is no prescribed method or technique; rather, you are invited to surrender and to explore the limitless possibilities that unfold when you release control and trust in the innate intelligence of the Field and your own body, allowing them to lead you to a stable pulse where balance and healing can naturally occur.

The Field is open, taking  you out of  the linear time, to inhabit  the space, void, and silence; opening a doorway for the divine that is you. Your being will start to remember its own harmony and resourcefulness to heal itself. We do not work with energy.

Once fully surrendered to oneself with the courage to let go, it is in the nothingness is where everything is possible.

Surrendering and having no expectations of the session is the KEY. Embrace what comes up and let your body express it and let it go.

What happens during a session?


Organization of the dynamic flow that regulates biological functions

Self-healing and bio-regulation of the organism

Physical, emotional, mental, energetic merging with the field as one

Coming back to your  true origin

Accessing a balance in the world we live in


Transcendence of linear time

Trust and surrender

The more you surrender, the deeper the experience will go. It is time to liberate yourself, heal yourself, and let go.

“The nothingness what we seek is the everything that we are. What we thought is a limit is a doorway” - Ivan Rohe