Trans(e)formation Facilitator Training

With Antonella and Kathia, trainers and facilitators of an energetic process leading to non-ordinary states of consciousness, often mistakenly referred to as kundalini activation.

They have guided thousands of people through this process and have already trained more than 130 facilitators around the world, in countries such as France, Dubai, Morocco, New Caledonia, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Barthélemy, Dakar, USA, and Mexico…

Cancun, Mexico

This training will take place over 6 months online (starting January 12th, 2025) with 3 days of intensive practice in Cancun in April.

We look forward to seeing you on this new transformational adventure.

This 10th edition of trans(e)formation will enable you to:

1.⁠ ⁠3 days of intensive practice in CANCUN (25 to 27th April 2025)

2.⁠ ⁠Monthly Zoom meetings : 1 to 2 meetings per month, depending on the month.

3.⁠ ⁠Speak the Light Language

4.⁠ ⁠Personal support : We will be personally available to accompany each participant throughout their learning journey.

5.⁠ ⁠Educational materials : You will have access to a summary booklet from the practice, audio shares, and theoretical courses during the six months of follow-up on an online platform.

6.⁠ ⁠Sharing space : A WhatsApp channel will be created for regular exchanges between us and all the participants of the cohort and the 130 facilitators, promoting mutual support.

7.⁠ ⁠Certification : At the end of the training, you will receive an official certification.

What you will find in the training:

– Module 1 and 2 : Explore the theoretical and scientific aspects of the process Immerse yourself in the foundations of the practice by examining the energetic, neurological, and scientific aspects.

– Module 3 : Develop your Light Language

– Module 4 : Marketing Master strategies to stand out on social media and attract clients to your practice + 25-27 April in Cancun Intensive PRACTICE

– Module 5 and 6 : Playlist Creation Select suitable musical pieces to enhance your sessions and intensify the energetic experience for your clients by creating playlists with specialized software.


You must have done sessions to apply and be sensitive to the process.

Antonella & Kathia

Become a facilitator